- Trivial commutation - lump sum increases to £30,000
trivial commutation limit will increase from £18,000 to £30,000. This means
that a member can, from age 55, take all his pension benefit as a lump sum
provided that his total savings in registered pension schemes do not exceed
- Small lump sums - payments of up to £10,000 allowed
legislation allows lump sums of up to £2,000 to be paid as authorised payments,
regardless of the value of other pension savings, in certain circumstances. The
limit for all these payments will be increased to £10,000. These payments will
continue to be subject to taxation.
- Changes to drawdown rules
taking capped drawdown are currently restricted to taking 120 per cent of the
value of an "equivalent annuity" each year. This is to be increased
to 150 per cent for all drawdown pension years starting on or after 27 March
2014. This means some individuals may not be able to take advantage of this for
a number of months, depending on the date on which they were first entitled to
a drawdown pension.
the minimum secured pension required to enter into flexible drawdown is reduced
to £12,000 from £20,000 per annum.
these increases in flexibility are welcome, they increase the need to seek
independent financial advice and exercise caution when considering retirement
Please contact Ward Williams
Financial Services on 01932 830664, or visit us at www.wardwilliamsfs.co.uk for
more information.